Welcome to egi-pynetstation’s documentation!

egi-pynetstation is designed to help users of the EGI MRI-compatible EEG system to perform high-resolution event marking with a small Python API.


Option 1: To install this package, you can pull it from pyPI via

pip install egi-pynetstation

Option 2: If you would like the latest version on GitHub, you can execute the following from:

git clone https://github.com/nimh-sfim/egi-pynetstation.git
cd egi-pynetstation
pip install .

It should be installed into the environment you’re currently in.

Option 3: We are also happy to have partnered with PsychoPy, which now includes egi-pynetstation in the standalone package without further downloads or steps.


Currently, there is only one supported way to use the NetStation interface. This involves the use of “Network Time Protocol” or NTP. In the future we will support the “simple” clock option that EGI provides. A full showcase can be found in our example.py file on GitHub, found here.

You will always need to execute commands in the following order:

from egi_pynetstation import NetStation
# Set an IP address for the computer running NetStation as an IPv4 string
IP_ns = ''
# Set a port that NetStation will be listening to as an integer
port_ns = 55513
ns = NetStation(IP_ns, port_ns)
# Set an NTP clock server (the amplifier) address as an IPv4 string
IP_amp = ''
# Do whatever setup for your experiment here...
# Begin recording
# You can now send events; this one just says "HIYA" and automatically
# marks the time for you
# You can include a data dictionary; perhaps you have a dog stimulus
my_data = {"dogs": "fido"}
# Send this data with the event type of "STIM"
ns.send_event(event_type="STIM", data=my_data)
# With the experiment concluded, you can end the recording
# You'll want to disconnect the amplifier when your program is done

Indices and tables